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VCMS Clothes Closet

Open the second Tuesday of each month.


Location: Veronica Connor Middle School Room 111 Time: 2:30-3:15 PM

What to expect: 


The VCMS Clothes Closet has a variety of gently used clothing available for Grand Island students.


Sizes are geared to middle school, but appropriate for ages 9-16.


Grand Island parents or students can shop on the second Tuesday of each month and pick the following:


  1. sweatshirt

  2. pairs of pants

5  t-shirts

1  jacket or coat

1  dressy outfit

1  pair of shoes

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Exchanges are welcome, as are donations of gently used, trendy clothing.


Monetary donations are also welcome in order to resupply the most needed items.


For more information, contact or

Thank You Northwest Bank

The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation was the grateful recipient of a $500 donation from Northwest Bank!

Pictured from left to right: David Conboy, Neighbors Foundation President: Noelle Lepine, Grand Island Financial Center Manager for Northwest Bank; Sally Goris, Neighbors Foundation Treasurer.

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Thank You Maguire Family of Dealerships

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The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation was the grateful recipient of $1,500 from the Maguire Family of Dealerships!


Pictured from left to right:  Scott Molenda, Maguire Sales Manager; Ander Sweet, Maguire General Manager; Sally Goris, Neighbors Foundation Treasurer; Larry Slovick, Neighbors Foundation Vice President; Dave Goris, Neighbors Foundation Board Member.


The Neighbors Foundation will use the donated funds to provide confidential food assistance to our Neighbors on Grand Island, especially during the Holiday Season when the need is greatest.

Thank You Grand Island Lions Club

The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation was the grateful recipient of $500 from the Grand Island Lions Club.


Pictured from left to right:  Annie Carlson, Neighbors Foundation Board Member, and Tom Rusert, Grand Island Lions Club.

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Thank You Rebecca Simpson & HUNT Real Estate ERA

Thank you for the fifth year of tremendous support of the annual holiday food collection to benefit the Neighbors Foundation and in turn our fellow islanders in need of temporary assistance.


Your creative approach ensures success with the drive year after year.

Food Donations Needed

Food Collection Bins have been placed throughout our community through the  holiday season

Thank You to the following businesses and community organizations for placing collection bins at their locations to receive food donations on behalf of the Neighbors Foundation. The Neighbors Foundation will distribute the donations to our fellow Islanders to make the Holiday season brighter for those in need. 

 Please visit these locations and businesses through the end of December to drop off your non perishable and unexpired food donations!

Century21 Real Estate

Dollar General on Love

Dollar General in the Plaza

Grand Island Dance Studio 

Grand Island Fire Company

Grand Island Memorial Library

Grand Island Post Office

Grand Island Town Hall

Hunt Real Estate   (Until 11/16)

Hybrid Defense

Island Body Works 

Island Kids North

Island Kids South

Island Pet Lodge  (Until 11/30)

Island Ship Center

Kiddos Korners Daycare Ctrs

Kelly’s Country Store

Maguire Car Dealerships 

Mallwitz’s Bowling Lanes

Miss Cathy's Dance Academy

Moose Lodge #180

Pickleball Island

Pinnacle Travel Staffing 

St. Stephen Church Lobby

The VFW Post 

Thompson’s Farms 

Trilogy (The MOG)


WellNow Urgent Care

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To learn more about the Neighbors Foundation, organize or make donations, or request food assistance, please contact us at 716-775-7998.





Grand Island Neighbors Foundation

Thank You GIHS Class of 74  - 50th Reunion Committee

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Thank you Pinnacle Travel Staffing

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Pictured are: Rick Schmitz, Beth Boron, and Marty Rastelli.

​The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation was the grateful recipient of $15,000 from the Pinnacle Island Golf Tournament presented by: Pinnacle Travel Staffing and Sponsored by: Vienna Laurendi Associate Broker with Howard Hanna.

This year's tournament included 43 Teams and 172 Golfers.


The Neighbors Foundation very much appreciates all the sponsors for this event, including: Vienna Laurendi, Associated Broker with Howard Hanna, Say Cheese Pizza and Maguire Group of Grand Island, as well as the exhibitor sponsors, dinner sponsors, tee sponsors and all of the golfers that supported the event.


Special thanks to Marty Rastelli, owner of Pinnacle Travel Staffing who started the tournament, and Rick Schmitz from Pinnacle who organized the event - as well as Beth Boron, Neighbors Foundation Board of Director who coordinated our volunteer support to this important fundraiser. 

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                   STAMP OUT HUNGER FOOD DRIVE


                          SATURDAY - MAY 11, 2024


Please consider leaving non perishable items out this Saturday for the Postal Stamp Out Hunger event!  


Suggested items listed below:

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Pancake Breakfast at Ellden’s Supports the Neighbors Foundation



The Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island was the beneficiary of a pancake breakfast fundraiser held at Ellden's Grill & Banquet on Sunday, March 3, 2024.   As the number of clients in need continues to grow for our neighbors on Grand Island, 100 percent of the proceeds of this breakfast will go into the general fund to fulfill those needs.


There is a big food drive in December to fulfill holiday needs, but the need continues throughout the year.  The Neighbors Foundation collects and provides non-perishable food, and the proceeds from this event will be used to purchase gift cards to provide the clients with a means of obtaining perishable items.


We thank Ellden’s for providing the venue and all they did in hosting the breakfast.  Also appreciated are all who attended the breakfast to enjoy the food, fellowship and to support a great cause.


The next big drive will take place on Saturday, May 11, 2024, when the U.S. Postal Service Carriers have the Stamp Out Hunger drive.  To learn more about the Neighbors Foundation, request assistance, or make a donation, please visit our website at or call us at (716)775-7998.

Cindy Kovacs, Neighbors Foundation Pancake Breakfast Coordinator


Neighbors Foundation pancake breakfast volunteers.













Left to Right: Annie Carlson, Katie Kovacs, Clare Conboy, Hailey McMahon, Tory Cecere, Abbey Schneller













 Islanders Gretchen and Glynn Barrett, supporting the Neighbors Foundation, enjoying the breakfast.













Peg Lacki (left) and Kathi James getting the orders out.

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Souper Bowl at St Stephen's

St Stephen School had a special dress down day “Souper Bowl” and students donated a can of soup to dress down with the donations going to the Neighbors Foundation Panty.  We appreciate their contribution.

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The Neighbors Foundation gratefully accepted a very generous donation from the Maguire Family of Dealerships on Grand Island!

Recognizing that the need is great year-round, but especially near the Holiday Season, the Maguire Family presented a check for $1,000 to the Neighbors Foundation.

The Neighbors Foundation will use the donation to provide confidential food assistance to our Island Neighbors in need and help make their Holiday Season brighter.

We thank Ronnie Mansour and the Maguire Family of Dealership for their very generous donation, and also for placing donation barrels in all of their Grand Island dealerships to collect non-perishable food. Their continued commitment to helping the local community here on Grand Island is admirable and appreciated.

Pictured left to right:

Toyota General Sales Manager A.i Alderman

Neighbors Foundation President David Conboy

Platform Director Ronnie Mansour

Sales Specialist Xavier Matthews

To learn more about the Neighbors Foundation, request assistance, or make a donation, please contact us at 716-775-7998

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Huth Road School Food Donation

The Neighbors Foundation gratefully accepted a bountiful donation of food from Huth Road School on 11 December!  We are thankful for the continued generous contributions from Huth Road School Parents, Students, Administrators and Teachers.


We would particularly like to thank Alyssa Brown and Patricia Lyons for coordinating the event and selflessly using their time to organize the abundant contributions that we will use to help make the Holidays brighter for our Grand Island Neighbors!


Food Donations Needed

Thank You to the following for placing collection bins at their locations to collect food donations on behalf of the Neighbors Foundation.! The Neighbors Foundation will distribute the donations to our fellow Islanders to make the Holiday season brighter for those in need. 

 Please visit these locations and businesses through the end of December to drop off your non perishable and unexpired food donations!

      Drop Off Locations:


      Ace Hardware

        Care A Lot Childcare

        Certified AutoBrokers 

        Dollar General - Love Rd

        Dollar General - GI Plaza

        Grand Island Dance Studio

        Grand Island Memorial Library  

        Grand Island Town Hall 

        Grand Island Schools

        Hunt Real Estate

        Hybrid Defense

        Island Bodyworks

        Island Kids North

        Island Kids South

        Island Pet Lodge

        Kelly's Country Store


        McGuire Chevrolet

        McGuire Hyundai 

        McGuire Toyota

        Miss Cathy's Dance Academy

        Moose Lodge 180

        Saint Stephen Roman Catholic Church

        Soma Cura Wellness

        Thompson Farms


        Trilogy (The MOG)


Needed items:


Canned Tuna, Chicken, and Ham


Canned Proteins like Chili, Stew, and Canned Beans


Peanut Butter and Jelly (plastic jars, please!)


Instant Oatmeal




Instant Rice, Potatoes


Mac and Cheese


Pasta and Pasta Sauce (Plastic jars or cans, please!)


Canned Low Sodium/No Salt Added Vegetables


Canned Low Sugar Fruits and Fruit Cups


Shelf Stable Milk


To learn more about the Neighbors Foundation, organize or make donations, or request food assistance, please contact us at 716-775-7998 or visit us at our website at www. GINeighbors.Org.





Grand Island Neighbors Foundation

Hunt Real Estate ERA 4th Annual Food Drive

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Elementary Turkey Trot - 11am to 1pm Saturday Nov 4th at GI HS Track

A BIG THANK YOU to Huth Road school's Sue Wolcott and all of the other 5th grade teachers and students who collected 6483 bottles and cans to raise money for the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation! The students presented the Neighbors Foundation with a donation in the amount of $385. The Rotary Club of Grand Island was so inspired by these students collecting bottles in a torrential downpour, that they matched the funds, making the total amount raised by Huth Road School's 5th graders $770. 5th graders-you are both amazing & inspiring!


Bottles and Cans can still be dropped off at the Island Redemption Center for the "Huth Road School 5th Grade Project". For confidential food assistance please call the Neighbors Foundation at 716-775-7998. To donate to the Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island, Inc., please go to

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Ms. Gambino organized show to benefit Neighbors Foundation at Brick Oven Pizzeria on October 18th.

 Rockin' the Grounds at St Stephen Church Wed Aug 16 5-9PM

Rockin’ the Grounds at St. Stephen Church on Wednesday, 16 August from 5 to 9 pm will be a great opportunity to participate in fundraisers,  perhaps win $5,000, and get to know your Neighbors!


It will also be an opportunity to assist our Neighbors who may find themselves in need, and help combat food insecurity that is so prevalent, even on our Grand Island.


Please consider bringing unexpired non-perishable food items to the event! Sally and Dave Goris, as well as other Parishioners involved with the Neighbors Foundation will be present to provide information, answer questions, and accept donations - we will  provide barrels to collect the donated food.    Canned meat and beans, as well as pasta and sauces and any other nutritious items are always welcome.


The Neighbors Foundation will use the donated food to provide confidential assistance to our fellow Islanders. To learn more about the Neighbors Foundation, make a donation, or receive assistance, please contact us at 716-775-7998 or


Hope to see you Wednesday, August 16th at St. Stephen Church!


David Conboy

President, Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island

Thank you Pinnacle Travel Staffing

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The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation was the grateful recipient of $11,000 from the Pinnacle Island Golf Tournament presented by Pinnacle Travel Staffing that was held at Beaver Island Golf Course on June 16, 2023. 


This year’s tournament was the largest yet with 44 Teams and 176 Golfers.  The Neighbors Foundation very much appreciates all the sponsors for this event, including Howard Hanna- The Laurendi Selling Team / Vienna Haak; Maguire Group Family of Dealerships; Say Cheese Pizza Co, & Comic Book Café; Island Ship Center; as well as the party Sponsors, Tee Sponsors and all of the golfers that supported the event.


Of course, special thanks to Marty Rastelli, owner of Pinnacle Travel Staffing who started the tournament, and Rick Schmitz from Pinnacle who organized the event.

The Neighbors Foundation, an all-volunteer organization, will use the donated funds to provide confidential food assistance to those in need on Grand Island.


Pictured are: Marty Rastelli presenting the donation to Beth Boron - Neighbors Foundation Director and Lead Volunteer Coordinator for the event, Rick Schmitz, David Conboy - Neighbors Foundation President, and Sally Goris - Neighbors Foundation Treasurer.


Thank you to those who supported the  Neighbors Foundation as part of Give 716 

WHO’s NEXT!!??


Thank You to:


St. Stephens RC Church

Thompson Farms

Kelly's Country Store

Dollar General

Notaro Chiropractic-Grand Island Chiropractic

Trilogy MOG Medically Oriented Gym Grand Island

Grand Island Golden Age Center

Century 21 Winklhofer

WellNow Urgent Care

Grand Island Memorial Library

Certified Auto Brokers




For placing bins at their location to collect food donations to benefit the Neighbors Foundation and Islanders who are less fortunate.


Please visit these businesses and organizations to drop off your non-perishable and unexpired food donations!  [ SEE OUR NEEDED ITEMS LIST BELOW]


We have more bins available for other businesses and organizations who would like to participate in this effort to give back to our community - Be the next one to be part of our Team!


Please contact the Neighbors Foundation at 716-775-7998, or me directly at 716-773-7476, and we will bring a bin to your location and publicize your participation through social media.


To learn more about the Neighbors Foundation, make a financial donation, or request food assistance, please contact us at the number above, or visit us at our website at www.




David Conboy

Grand Island Neighbors Foundation President


Needed Items:


Canned Tuna, Chicken, and Ham

Canned Proteins like Chili, Stew, and Canned Beans

Peanut Butter and Jelly (plastic jars, please!)

Instant Oatmeal


Instant Rice, Potatoes

Mac and Cheese

Pasta and Pasta Sauce (Plastic jars or cans, please!)

Canned Low Sodium/No Salt Added Vegetables

Canned Low Sugar Fruits and Fruit Cups

Shelf Stable Milk




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Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island is participating in this years Give 716 campaign beginning at 7:16 pm Sunday July 16th. Please consider making a donation to support our community organization.

Northwest Bank employees presented a generous donation to our Share Your Happiness Campaign using funds contributed from dress down days throughout the year as well as various food items which will be used to help restock our panty. Neighbors Foundation Vice President Larry Slovick accepted on behalf of the Neighbors Foundation.  


We greatly appreciate the support of the Grand Island Northwest Bank team.

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The Neighbors Foundation gratefully accepted a very generous donation from the Maguire Family of Dealerships on Grand Island!


Recognizing that the need is great year round, but especially near the Holiday season, the Maguire Family of Dealerships presented a check for $1000 to the Neighbors Foundation.


The Neighbors Foundation will use the donation to provide confidential food assistance to our Island Neighbors in need, and help make their Holiday Season brighter.


We thank the Maguire Family of Dealerships for their very generous donation to help the local community here on Grand Island!


From the Maguire Family of Dealerships:

Ronnie Mansour -Chevy General Manager

Brandon Wickham -Toyota General Manager

Eddie Acosta - Hyundai General Manager


And David Conboy, Grand Island Neighbors Foundation President.
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Gratitude and heartfelt thanks to our friends from the ST TIMOTHY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH community on Staley Road who support our neighbors on Grand Island with various monetary donations, food, toiletries and diapers to the Neighbors Foundation all throughout the calendar year. We greatly appreciate your ongoing support!



Grand Island School District is hosting a Drive By - One Toy/Gift and One Non-Perishable Food/Toiletry Item drop off at Grand Island High School on Saturday, December 10th from 9 am to noon.    Details below:

November 2022
Share Your Happiness Campaign


Dear Friends and generous supporters of the Neighbors Foundation,


Again in 2022, we look to our friends and generous supporters of the Neighbors Foundation in our planning for the Annual Holiday Distribution to the less fortunate family members on Grand Island.  For over 50 years, we have provided food pantry gift baskets and gift donations to our families in need, all made possible from donations from various groups and organizations. Our primary means of donations has been and continues to be financial contributions; we do also accept gift card donations (we can only accept Tops or Target cards) should you desire to purchase and donate gift cards to the campaign. Those cards can be mailed to P.O. Box 155, Grand Island  NY  14072.


Thank you for your consideration in participating in our Annual Holiday Distribution Campaign.  Last year we provided food pantry baskets for 139 families and we provided gift cards for parents to use on their 102 children.  Your donation to us helps to make a difference in the lives of these families and these children during this holiday season. With an all-volunteer staff, be assured that all of your donation is used to help local Island  families in need. And for that, we thank you again.



For your convenience, you can simply click the “DONATE” button at the top or bottom of the page to make a monetary donation with a major credit card.   Checks can also be mailed to the Neighbors Foundation at P.O. Box 155, Grand Island, NY, 14072.



We believe that this community, by thinking of their neighbors even as they themselves face tougher times, can really be a grand island to live in. The Neighbors Foundation, with community help, will make it so.

Pinnacle Travel Staffing presents check to Neighbors Foundation



Pinnacle Travel Staffing takes their community needs seriously and proved it through organizing the second annual Pinnacle Charity Golf Tournament on Friday, September 23rd at Beaver Island, benefiting the Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island food pantry as well as other Grand Island organizations. On November 1st, President/CEO Marty Rastelli presented Neighbors Foundation Vice President Larry Slovick a check in the generous amount of $10,000. The Foundation is extremely grateful for Pinnacle’s commitment to our community, allowing our pantry to serve those in need on Grand Island.


Pictured l-r: Rick Schmitz, Pinnacle Director of Marketing, Neighbors Foundation’s Valerie Gaydosh, Sally Goris and Larry Slovick, Pinnacle President/CEO Marty Rastelli and Tommy Makowski, Pinnacle Healthcare Recruiter.


If you or anyone you know needs confidential food assistance, please call the Neighbors Foundation at 716-775-7998 or email

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Certified AutoBrokers donates to the Neighbors Foundation this Holiday Season


Certified AutoBrokers owner Travis Smith is pictured presenting a donation check to Neighbors Foundation Vice President Larry Slovick. As the holidays approach and the need for food and gifts has increased, the Neighbors Foundation is grateful for the support of Certified AutoBrokers and the many community members of Grand Island. Various food drives and donations enable us to provide assistance to our Grand Island Neighbors. Many thanks to Certified AutoBrokers for their generosity! 


Please visit if you are interested in supporting our mission of Neighbors Helping Neighbors!


If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance, please call 716-775-7998 or email us at for confidential assistance. 


Pictured L-R: Travis Smith, Certified AutoBrokers and Neighbors Foundation Vice President Larry Slovick 

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HUNT Real Estate ERA 3RD annual Food Drive  - Saturday Nov 12th


HUNT Real Estate ERA is holding its 3rd annual food drive to benefit the Neighbors Foundation on November 12, 2022. Please drop off food donations on Saturday, November 12 to help our Grand Island neighbors in need between 10am - 2pm at HUNT Real Estate ERA, 2098 Grand Island Blvd. Top-requested items are in the image below. Thank you for helping us help our neighbors, and please help us spread the word!


And if you or anyone you know needs confidential food assistance, please call us at 716-775-7998 or email

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Century 21 Winklhofer  Food Drive


Century 21 Winklhofer is holding a food drive to benefit the Neighbors Foundation food pantry throughout the month of November. You can drop off food donations to help our neighbors in need all month in the entryway of their office at 1770 Grand Island Blvd. Thank you for helping us help our neighbors in need this holiday season!


And if you or anyone you know needs confidential food assistance, please call us at 716-775-7998 or email

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Elementary School Turkey Trot



The Neighbors Foundation appreciates the generosity of the teachers, administrators, students and parents that donated food as part of the Elementary School Turkey Trot event that was held at the Grand Island High School Track on November 5th.


Through the generosity of the participants, the Neighbors Foundation will be able to provide food assistance to our Neighbors in need.

Our Neighbors can find themselves in need throughout the year, and the Holiday Season can be particularly difficult for those trying to make ends meet.


Thank you to all who donated to help make the Holiday Season brighter for our Neighbors!

If you are in need of assistance, or would like to donate to the Neighbors Foundation, please visit us at our website:


Pictured with donated food:

Valerie Gaydosh and David Conboy (Neighbors Foundation),

Max Pikula (Huth Road Principal), Felicia Pallaci (Kaegebein Principal)and Michael Antonelli (Sidway Principal)



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                       Neighbors Foundation Receives
                         2022 Chamber of Commerce
                 Civic Organization of the Year Award 

Message from David Conboy President of the Foundation

Good Evening - I am Dave Conboy, and on behalf of the Neighbors Foundation, I’d like to thank the Chamber of Commerce for thinking of us and recognizing our organization.  


We gratefully accept this award, not for ourselves, but on behalf of all those who selflessly provide the resources that allow us to assist our fellow Islanders.


We receive tremendous, and truly essential support from individual Island residents, religious and civic organizations, businesses – both large and small - many present here tonight, and Grand Island Schools.


And when times are tough, like during COVID, Islanders always generously and benevolently rise to the occasion.  Truly inspiring and bountiful charitable assistance from the wonderful people of Grand Island.


I’d like to recognize the Board of Directors for the Neighbors Foundation who make working together, fulfilling, rewarding – and importantly– enjoyable and even fun.  An essential characteristic to sustain any organization, particularly one like ours that relies solely on volunteers to accomplish its mission.  


Two quotes - both from the Bible - come to mind as I think of Islanders in general – and certainly my fellow Board members.


And those two quotes are:


“Love thy neighbor” unconditionally, and “To whom much is given much is expected”. We have been given so much and are certainly deeply and richly blessed on Grand Island.


These concepts guide our deliberations and serve to inform and influence our collective conscience as we make decisions as a Board.


So thank you to all on our Board of Directors and all our volunteers, represented by those present here tonight: Larry Slovick, Sally and Dave Goris, Beth Boron, Arlene Larry, and Annie Carlson.


And it is certainly appropriate to recognize and honor Hank Kammerer, who was one of the Island leaders present and advocating for the creation of the Neighbors Foundation 50 years ago.  Hank continues to be an active member helping us to stay true to our altruistic roots, even as we adapt and modernize to ensure we remain relevant to this community over the next 50+ years.


Finally we’d like to thank the most important people associated with the Neighbors Foundation. Our clients - those Residents of Grand Island who we are so very privileged to serve.


We thank them for having the courage to call us. We thank them for trusting us to confidentially and compassionately provide non-judgmental assistance to them when they find themselves at a challenging time in their lives. Perhaps even the Most challenging time in their lives.


After all, we can all relate to needing assistance, can’t we? 

I know I can.


Because each one of us has found ourselves in need at one time or another. Whether requiring financial, physical, or emotional help - or any other way in which a fundamental need may manifest itself.


When we find ourselves in these circumstances, it can be scary. And we look to and rely on each other, Family and Friends for kindness and assistance. And on this Island community, we are fortunate to always be there for each other. Ready to assist. Ready to help each other - individually and collectively.


So I speak for the entire Board when I say how very thankful we are for the privilege to serve the residents of this wonderful community and how profoundly grateful we are for the opportunity to continue to work together with the loving and generous people of Grand Island to fulfill our Neighbors Foundation motto of “Neighbors helping Neighbors”.



Thanks for all you do.  On to the next 50 year - together!  :-)


Go Bills!

Best - Dave

May 2022 Letter Carriers' Food Collection



Grand Islanders - On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I would like to thank you for your bountiful contributions this past weekend with the Letter Carriers’ food collection that benefited our organization.


Through your amazing generosity, we are well postured to support our neighbors who require assistance through the summer and into the fall.


Of course, we could not have done it without the superb efforts of our Grand Island Letter Carriers who collected and brought all the food to our pantry.


Please join us in thanking them for what they do each and every day, and especially their extra effort and selfless service in gathering the food donations this past Saturday.


We would also like to thank the Kiwanis Club, representatives from Grand Island High School, and all our volunteers who spent hours organizing and sorting the food.


Thank you once again Grand Island for your continued support of the Neighbors Foundation as we remain committed to providing confidential food assistance to our neighbors.


If you need assistance, please contact us at 716-775-7998.


David Conboy

Grand Island Neighbors Foundation

October 2021
Share Your Happiness Campaign


Dear Friends and generous supporters of the Neighbors Foundation,


Again in 2021, we look to our friends and generous supporters of the Neighbors Foundation in our planning for the Annual Holiday Distribution to the less fortunate family members on Grand Island.  For over 40 years, we have provided food pantry gift baskets and gift donations to our families in need, all made possible from donations from various groups and organizations. Our primary means of donations has been and continues to be financial contributions; we do also accept gift card donations (we can only accept Tops or Target cards) should you desire to purchase and donate gift cards to the campaign. Those cards could be mailed to P.O. Box 155, Grand Island  NY  14072.


Thank you for your consideration in participating in our Annual Holiday Distribution Campaign.  Last year we provided food pantry baskets for 60 families and we provided gift cards for parents to use on their 110 children.  Your donation to us helps to make a difference in the lives of these families and these children during this holiday season. With an all-volunteer staff, be assured that all of your donation is used to help local Island  families in need. And for that, we thank you again.


For your convenience, you can simply click the “DONATE” button below to make a monetary donation with a major credit card.   Checks can also be mailed to the Neighbors Foundation at P.O. Box 155, Grand Island, NY, 14072.



We believe that this community, by thinking of their neighbors even as they themselves face tougher times, can really be a grand island to live in. The Neighbors Foundation, with community help, will make it so.

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