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Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island 2024 Donors

The Neighbors Foundation of Grand Island thanks the hundreds of individuals and organizations who contributed to our successful 2024 Holiday Distribution. 105 of your neighbor families were helped with food baskets and, where appropriate, gift cards for 154 children. 68 of our seniors were also helped in two senior apartment complexes.


The Foundation is a small, all-volunteer organization; we don't do this 'ourselves.' We depend on the community  to recognize the need around us, and respond  generously. Even in pleasant, suburban Grand Island there are needs,  and you have helped. Thanks to all of you!

Our thanks to the following people and organizations who donated to our ‘Share Your Happiness’ fund drive, or donated food, toiletries, turkeys and gift cards for our 2024 Holiday Season distribution:



Ackendorf, William & Lisa

Ahne, Jim

Anderson, Richard & Bridget


Anonymous, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Art of Taxidermy NY

Asbach Family

Athoe, Maureen

Austin, Robert

Baker, Phyllis

Beis, Deborah, in memory of Bud Figler

Beis, Deborah, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Beis, Marlow & Deborah, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Bell Ski Club-Frank Farino, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Bergman, Nicholas & Danielle

Bern, Marion

Billica, Raymond & Debbie

Billoni, Michael

Bridgeview Garden Club

Brown, Barbara

Bruno, James & Marsha

Buffalo Friends of Folk Music, Nan & Keith Hoffman, Joe Tumino

Cannon, Deborah

Cardullo, Salvatore

Casual Days at Huth

Cassert, Christine, in honor of Mary Herbst

Certified Auto Brokers

Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial Post

Charlotte Sidway Kindergarten Classes

Christine A. Learman, CPA, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Christine A. Learman, CPA, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Chrzanowski, Richard & Elaine

Clarke, Sam

Cohen, Aldene

Conboy, Dave & Karen

Conway, Therese

Coughlin, Marlene

County of Erie

Cushner, Joseph and Barbara, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Davis, Nancy

Denning, Brian & Amy

Doane, Jerry & Diane

Eajaz Syed Family Giving Fund

Eat Rite Foods LLC

Ellson, Stanley & Baynham

Eric H Berger Insurance

Estenoz, Julie Beth

Fahning, Anne

Fitzgerald, Colin

Flaherty, Kevin/Art of Taxidermy NY

Flood, Gene & Joyce, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Gabel, John & Betty, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Garey, Diane (Interiors)

Gaydosh, Valerie

Gebrian, Eilene

Gensler Family

Gerber, Nicole/Reilly, Dave, in memory of Hank & Tracy Kammerer

Gioia, Joseph & Cynthia

Goris, Sally

Govern, Alan

Grand Island American Legion Post

Grand Island Central School District Employees

Grand Island Class of 1974

Grand Island Golden Age Center

Grand Island Lions Club

Grand Island Little League

Greater Buffalo Track Club

Greer, James

Guariglia Family

Hamm, Janice

Hassler, Jeffrey & Kristyna

Henderson, Bob & Norma

Henderson, Hugh & M. Susan

Herbst, Lee & Mary, in honor of Christine Cassert

Hodick, Thomas

J Gordon Interiors

Jean Caprio

Jim Niland & Associates

Johnson, Nathan & Susan

Kahn, Lynn

Kammerer, Jack, in memory of Hank Kammerer

Karpie, Richard & Kathleen

Kilb, Norman & Susan

Kiwanis Club of Grand Island

Kovacs, Frank & Kathleen

Kovacs, Hermine

Kramer, Jill

Kuchta, James & Michele, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Linde (Blackbaud Giving Fund)

Luescher, Thomas

Maguire Group of Grand Island

Majewski Real Estate Group

Marcel, Steven & Elizabeth

Marinucci, Robert & Elaine

Marra, Charles & Stephanie

Martin, William & Honor, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Martino, Nicholas & Heather

Martynkiewicz, Elaine, in memory of Tom Sheehan

McMahon, Daniel

Mileham, Jay & Joann

Mitchell's Tavern

Morth, Arthur

Moxie Hair & Salt Studio

Murray, Laura

Nesselbeck, Alex & Melissa

Niagara Sailing Club

Nickel City Cabinets

Nickel City Design

Nickel City Hardwood

Nicol, Richard & Susan

Niland Family

Northwest Bank Employees

O'Hara, Marie

Operation Pets, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Organ, Brian & Caroline

Padowski, Candy

Palamuso, Angelo & Rosalie

Paul & Helen Ellis Charitable Trust

Perry, Bryan

Pier Propeller

Pinnacle Island LLC

Podlucky, John & Joanne

Preyer, Jennifer - Island Insurance Services

Rall, Thomas & Brandie

Rayhill, Donnette

Rotary Club of Grand Island

Runions, Lawrence Eugene & Deborah

Same, Deborah, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Sander, Gale, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Sankes, Heidi, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Schorb, Judith, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Schultz, Mary

Shaklee, Kathryn

Sharon, Deborah

Sheehan, Brendan & MaryBeth

Sheehan, Chris & Pat

Sherman, Barbara

Shoemaker, Robert

Sidway School PTA

Simpson, Rebecca - HUNT Realty

Sledziewski, Gary & Terrie

Slovick, Larry

St. Martin Episcopal Church and Parishioners

St. Stephen RC Parishioners

St. Stephen RC School

St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church

Stanke Charitable Fund

Stockinger, Michael

Suszczynski, Pamela

Teluk, Faye

Thompson Farms

Tiede, Mark & Dianne

United Way Donors

Veronica Conner Middle School Teacher Dress Down Fund

Veronica Conner Middle School Charity Fund

VFW Auxiliary, in memory of all Veterans and Auxiliary members

Vogel, Thomas

Watkinson, Sharon, in memory of Tom Sheehan

Watson, Bruce & Cindy

Wilde, Donna B.



We thank the following businesses and organizations that housed our bins and collected food:


Care A Lot Childcare Center

 Dollar General (Love Road)

Dollar General (Grand Island Plaza)

Grand Island Dance Studio

Grand Island Fire Co.

Grand Island Memorial Library

Grand Island Post Office

Grand Island Town Hall


Hybrid Defense

Island Body Works

Island Kids North Daycare

Island Kids South Daycare

Island Pet Lodge

Island Ship Center

Kelly's Country Store

Kiddos Korner Daycare

Mallwitz's Bowling Lanes

McGuire Auto Dealerships

Miss Cathy's Dance Academy

Moose Lodge #180

Pickleball Island

Pinnacle Travel Staffing

St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church

Thompson Farms

Trilogy (The MOG)

VFW Post #9249

Walgreens Pharmacy

WellNow Urgent Care



Let's not forget our hard workers from the Foundation and community who helped so much during our 2024 Holiday Distribution and various times throughout 2024:


Antonelli, Carley & Michael

Aquiar, Marcondes

Bates, Kathy

Beyer, Chris

Boron, Beth

Buccini, Samantha & sons

Carlson, Annie

Carlson, Sara, Andrew, Matthew & Talia Crisafulli

Castner, Brian

Castner, Elijah

Clark, Jarred

Clark, Linda

Conboy, David & Karen

Conboy, Clare

Conboy, David James

Dietterich, Anne

Ensminger, Henny

Ferber, Mary

Galligan, Nick

Garbacz, Ariana

Garey, Alex

Garey, Diane & John

Garey, Hayden

Gaydosh, Valerie

Girasole, Kevin

Goris, David & Sally

Grand Island Schools Maintenance Staff

Greene, Allynn

Greer, Mike & Lindsay

Hamm, Kenneth

Jablonski, Noah

Jablonski, Robyn

James, Kathi

Karpie, Richard

Khreis, Dave

Knights of Columbus #4752 Members

Kovacs, Cindy

Labin, Corina

Lacki, Peg & Mike

Larry, Arlene

Larsen, Aiden

Louth, David

Maras, Amber

Moriarty, Debbie

Nesselbeck, Lily & Melissa

Nicol, Sue

Padowski, Candy

Perno, Colleen

Porretta, Olivia

Rai, Ryan

Reed, Rachel, Logan, Natalie & Nick

Remmes, Cole & Rachel Gaydosh

Runions, Gene

Savoy, Nancy

Serra, Loretta

Schmidt, Leo

Schuehl, Lois

Schultz, Maggie

Serra, Loretta

Shaw, Patricia D & Scott

Siehnel, Judy

Skibinski, Mary

Slovick, Larry & Mary

Smith, April

Thompson, Amanda



Our special thanks also to the very hard working students and advisors from DECA, Interact & Student Council at Grand Island

High School and Interact at Middle School for their sorting help during our 2024 Holiday Distribution.


Without their help, the distribution would not have happened:


Aceti, Marissa

Battaglia, Aubree

Bukahri, Rayyan

Christensen, Brooke

Cipollitti, Anna

Dreher, Skye

Farkas, Kaylie

Hiscock, Hannah

Johnson, Julia

McGowan, Madison

Miller, Mason

Murray, Keira

Peppers, Leah

Pizur, Alyssa

Poretta, Olivia

Samplinski, Savannah

Sentz, Emma

Smith, Juliana

Sobrino, Sophia

Tilkins, Carly

Tower, Charlotte

Weber, Connor

Zentz, Max

Amy Boutet,  High School DECA Advisor

Rachael Grabek, High School Interact Advisor

Carley Antonelli, Middle School Interact Advisor

Susan Moretta, Middle School Interact Advisor

MaryLis Rustowicz, High School Student Council Advisor

Hutchings, Jessica, Family Support Services

Antonelli, Michael, Sidway Principal

Graham, Brian, Ed.D. Superintendent of Grand Island Central Schools

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